Expert Comment for Gadus morhua (Atlantic cod)

Minimum surface salinity envelope adjusted from 3.6 to 5.5, while preferred minimum adjusted from 27.2 to 7.0 to limit prediction towards southern Gulf of Bothnia and western Gulf of Finland. Preferred minimum primary production also adjusted from 3.4 to 0.6. To improve predictions towards southern North Sea and Channel Islands (FishBase Ref. 1371), surface salinity preferred maximum decreased from 35.16 to 34.8; minimum primary production decreased from 0.4 to 0.38 while preferred minimum depth adjusted from 150m to 20m. Minimum sea surface temperature increased from -0.57ºC to 0.6ºC to while maximum temperature was decreased from 19.4ºC to 16.1ºC to limit distribution along the Iberian coast to Galicia. Predicted occurrence in Kara Sea probable (FishBase Ref. 123027) while uncertain in Gulf of Ob and Yenisei Gulf. (Kathleen K. Reyes, 2021-06-15)

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